Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #110: Create a Business Schedule You Love

Today’s coaching session is with Donna, a pet sitter and dog walker in Tennessee.

She has owned her business for a few years and she’s struggling with creating a schedule that works for her and her full personal life with family and many pets. (Donna wins the award for the pet business owner I’ve coached who has the most dogs – she has 9 dogs!)

In this episode you’ll hear how she can learn to say no to clients because saying no is a learned behavior and often doesn’t come naturally to pet pros. She’s pretzeled herself to accommodate her beloved clients and like a lot of pet professionals, she needs to put some of that energy and attention toward herself, her family and her own dogs.

You’ll also hear about how both Donna and I took a break from social media and how that positively impacted our lives and how taking a social media break may help you too. Plus a lot of other questions, challenges and business issues were covered in this session. You’re sure to be able to relate to some or all of this coaching session with Donna!

Thanks to our sponsors:

Pet Sitters Associates: PSA is a highly-respected insurance company providing insurance for pet business owners. Use promo code PODCAST at checkout to get $15 off your annual insurance premium:

Jobber: Jobber is a mobile and online app that helps keep your pet business organized, efficient, and professional. Get paid on time, go paperless, and impress your clients. Try it free today at: Pet Business Courses provide anytime access courses including How to Start a Pet Sitting Business in 7 Days, Catapult 4-Week Pet Business Program, Facebook Marketing for Pet Business Owners and more. Apply what you’re hearing on the podcast by learning from these online courses that help you start and grow your pet business right now.

How is Donna doing now? Here’s an update from Donna in her own words:

Donna M

Podcast Coaching Client:
Donna M.
Rocky Top Pet Services
Maryville, Tennessee

"Hi Kristin,

A few months ago, I emailed a business challenge for your new podcast. I stated that after having Covid in January I realized I needed a change. I did not want to go back to the crazy schedule I had as a sole proprietor pet business owner. I was at a crossroad in my life. Do I continue the business and hire so I can step back or do I start a new chapter?

I am pleased to say that I was able to do both. Instead of hiring so that I could have more time for myself, I put together a new business model and "semi-retired." I reduced my clients by half, kept the client base that I knew would ease the work burden, and sustained a desired income. It took some time to develop but has worked out beautifully. I now have a pet business that brings all joy and space to develop future aspirations.

This year I will turn 60 and it's time for fulfilling dreams. I will be completing items on my bucket list to include finishing my degree, traveling to places I have wanted to experience, and eventually working on a 501c3 for a senior dog sanctuary. I do not believe I would have come this far without your help. You taught me to be laser focused on what my needs/desires are and how to obtain them within a timeframe that worked for me. I appreciate your intuitive talents and professionalism throughout the coaching process. Thank you for all that you do.”


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